Sunday, 31 December 2017

Happy And Satisfying !!!

We will be entering into new year after a day.Was just trying to recall what all happened and how I feel about days and months of 2017 pat comes the reply from heart "You are happy and satisfied Darling" !! That's the feeling which I wanted to feel and I achieved it.Kudos to me ♥.

 What was that which turned this  year into satisfying one it was the decision to do what I enjoy doing. yeah I was bored by my corporate job so resigned just  before Jan 2017 and joined where I can impart knowledge ,spread love , humanity,discipline,joy and mannerism. Celebrating every day as new and wonderful.celebrating every festivals, important dates with zeal and enthusiasm.

In the next year too I will doing what I enjoy .I do have some plans and I am gonna implement them.Creativity is something which attract me a lot... hoping my 2018 will be creative enough to talk about :).

                                Days And Months Gonna Change
                                Circumstances and Time Gonna Change
                                But Me & You gonna Remain Same
                                Lets Welcome 2018 with Zeal And Exuberance

 Thank You Almighty for bestowing me with love and warmth.

A very Happy and Prosperous New Year to all  !!